Raja yoga is the modern name for the practices of yoga. Classical yoga or raja yoga is the Oldest system of yoga. Raja yoga was compiled by the Patanjali in his famous yoga sutra.
The meaning of the word raja is king which means that raja yoga aims to bring the State of the person with the self confidence, independence, fearless, strong and self disciplined; which can be obtained at Shree Mahesh heritage .
There are eight steps that are included in the raja yoga;
Yama is for self control
Niyama is for disciple
Asana is for physical exercise
Pranayama is for breath exercise
Pratyathara is for feeling the less senses of external objects
Dharana is for concentration
Dhyana is for mediation
Samadhi is for complete realization.
These are the steps of the process of the raja yoga, some of these can be obtained with the help of meditation and yoga techniques with Shree Mahesh heritage or solely.
Shree Mahesh heritage; an meditation school is another institution or can say a school to learn meditation and yoga.
Which consists of 5 parts,
ASHIMA which means not to cause pain or harm to any living being. Most of the yogis are vegetarian because of this principle because for meat there is need to harm the animal .
Satya is related to speak truth always and good things. Being a truthful doesn’t mean to hide your own feelings or not to make excuses. We can hide our feelings but there is always one person who knows the real inner truth our own self.
Asteya Means not to take anything which doesn’t belong to you. This not only includes some particular thing but also the mental peace of the person.
Bramhmacharya, our thoughts should always turn towards the God. It doesn’t Mean that we should neglect our duties. We have to maintain our responsibilities.
Apqrigraha ,we shouldn’t acquire goods or things but should use what we need which Means we should let things go, as it feels free to ourselves.
This consists of five principles
Shauca which means the purity not only the external but also the inner purity. Purity of our own feelings. Our spiritual development is dependent on the quality of our thoughts and that should be pure.
Santosh, contentment is wealth. We should remember the world good in order to have a contentment.
Tapa is of having self control and discipline in the life. We should never five up. Rather we should choose path to be determined on. As patience and discipline is the key to success.
Svadhyaya it is traditional scriptures of yoga.
Ishvara God protects all those who surrender with truth and faith er should divine self with pure devotions and intentions.
It is the process of controlling the body and breath. It is way to achieve the control of mind. This leads to an awaking of those inner powers which will continue to give guidance on the spiritual path.
This is done in the first stage of meditation while, keeping the body motionless, eyes closed, mind quite and all attention towards inwards. It is to concentrate on the sounds, sound can be of inside or can be of outside. Inside sounds can be heartbeat or blood circulation sound. It helps to increase the concentration power of the mind and to keep the mind at peace.
It focuses on the feelings and the thoughts of one’s. When one person cannot concentrate on something for too long then Sharana is used to increase the concentration level of the person.
All meditation techniques are the basic exercises for the meditation. Meditation happens when the mind is quite because imagination arises from the inner self.
This is to unite the divine consciousness. This helps one to feel within themselves and have power, guts to express the feelings.
Shree Mahesh heritage is an meditation school who provides both online and offline courses of mediation and yoga.
Shree Mahesh heritage provides the mediation training proggrame to its customers who are willing to choose meditation teaching as their career.
Raja yoga is the modern name for the yoga. Which generally includes eight steps in the process of raja yoga. Raja means king. Raja yoga helps to increase the concentration power, helps one to understand ourselves at best.