JavaScript is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a high level. It has curly bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype based object orientation. JavaScript enables to dynamically interactivity on websites when it is applied on HTML document.
JavaScript is an technique that is being used by the developers to build the modern web applications and to interact without reloading the page every time.
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We all have wondered the uses of JavaScript, let us discuss some of the uses of JavaScript,
As their are many activities on the Brower, JavaScript is basically known for robust web applications. Almost every where in various websites there is always a functioning of the JavaScript at the back.
JavaScript is used to develop web pages which allows users to add effects to the website and also browser includes the dynamic behavior to the webpage. It is basically a validation purpose. JavaScript helps us to apply the complex actions to the website and effects to webpages. JavaScript helps to load the content on the website without the need of reloading of the webpage.
JavaScript is also most important in creating games. With the help of JavaScript, games can be created either of 2D or 3D. Web graphics library is JavaScript API to render 2D or 3D images on the Brower.
Web server can be created by using Node.js.Node is event driven and waits for the response of the call. The HTTP module can be used to create the server by using the createserver0 method.
Mobile devices are broadly used for internet. JavaScript helps us to build an application for non web contexts. JavaScript is widely used to framework for creating a mobile application as JavaScript enables to add the effects to the mobile application. These mobile applications can be run on various platforms.
JavaScript helps to create presentations as a website. The Revealjs is used to create interactive and beautiful slide decks with the help of HTLM. The presentation work great with on various mobile applications.
JavaScript is not hard to learn but if It is your first programming language then your mind-set is very important for learning a new programming. As learning takes time. JavaScript is one of the easiest programming other than other languages. JavaScript is best option to start your programming career and there are many resources available to help you to learn it with ease. JavaScript is little bit harder than Python as both are dynamically typed and easy to learn syntaxes.
Seven ribbon pictures, develops web sites in which JavaScript is being used to add the various effects to the website.
Seven ribbon pictures, web development headquarter is in DELHI NCR. They have qualified personals.
JavaScript are listed as; client side validation , displaying date and time, to validate the user input before submission of the form. Open and close of new windows, to display dialog boxes and pop up windows, to change the appearance of the, HTML document.