Asanas means the posture in which a person remains
Many of the postures are named after animals which the yogis imitated as to gain Their power.

The yoga asanas stretch the nerves and relaxesas well. Joints are also relaxed in a way that creates the feeling of relaxation, increased flow of energy throughout the body.
It nourishes the organs and glands by directing the good flow of blood, it increases the mental concentration of the people.
It promotes the better physical and emotional conditions of the people. It enables to divert the flow of energy to higher centre’s of the body, it controls the poor health symptoms.
Yoga can be done with a group of people and alone itself. All you need is to know the yoga asanas and the inner power to do something. Shree Mahesh heritage provides the online classes of the yoga in order to support the people to their best.
Off-line classes in the ongoing condition of covid-19 is available at Shree Mahesh heritage but only with a proper social maintaining distance and all other precautions are being considered.
Though the Breathing yoga asanas, breath purifies the blood and clams the mind of the people and enables one to concentrate more.
Yoga reduces the stress of the people and enabled one to find peace of mind at the same time.
Shree Mahesh heritage provides the facility of yoga and medication both at there centre but the point is that, both yoga and meditation is useful to reduce stress and yoga asanas stretch the body in way which makes one comfortable and productive.
Asanas is a mindfulness practice, it improves the health of the people, helps people to deal with anxiety, depression and brings positive mindset.
Yoga asanas are the basic exercises which brings one person to use its potential to increase the immunity.
Shree Mahesh heritage helps one to be to do more mindfulness practice which brings more peace and activity in the body which enables one to feel more emotionally connected with their own feelings.
Asanas increase the Breathing immunity of the person as some people have problem in breathing properly, yoga asanas itself cure the disease of the body and let the person’s body to be more productive at best.
Mountain pose
It is to stand straight with both the feet together, going down through the four corners of your feet. Rolling your shoulders away from ears and to move them down to your back then lift the crown of your head.
Chair pose
Start in mountain pose as you inhale, raise your arms, spread your fingers and touch your fingertips. As you exhale, sit back and down as if sitting into a chair.
Down dog on a chair
Place your hands back on a chair with palm shoulder distance apart. Step your feet back until it makes an right angle with your body, parallel to spine with the floor.
Downward facing dog
From all fours, Walk your hands 6 inches in front of you and now your toes, then lift your hips up and back for spine to lengthen it.
Warrior II
Stand with wide feet put your right feet inwards so that right heel points outwards, turn your left heel with the same arch of your right foot.
Triangle pose
Stand with your feet wide, shift your right heel out so your toes are pointing little bit inward.
Tree pose
Start with mountain pose, to stare at something Find a fix point in front of you as it helps you to balance.
As you inhale shift the weight of your body on your left foot and lift you right foot an inch off the floor and vice versa as you exhale.
Bridge pose
Lie face up with knees bent, feet’s flat on the floor and arms on the side.
Stated forward fold
Straighten your legs out in front of you, grounding your thighs into the floor. Grab hold of the other edges of your feet.
Compose pose
Bring your legs to the outer edge of your mat, like a starfish, spray your feet out the sides.
All these are the basic yoga techniques or can say yoga assans which are to be introduced to beginners even at Shree Mahesh heritage. Who provides yoga courses.

Yoga asanas are the best source that cures the disease itself. Regular asanas stretch the muscles, it lowers the blood pressure. Asanas enables one to feel more fresh in the morning and very effective and efficient whole day.